Thursday, 19 January 2012


Are you ready for personal growth? That's the only real question to ask.

You need to be standing steadily on the precipice of profundity, ready to surrender all to the ultimate, which keeps on unfolding and revealing mystery after mystery.

The revelation is in the surrender of the self. This is personal growth: disappearance.

You need to be ready for nothing else. All else is a phantom. Caving inwards, crumbling away, is closer to home, where the real happens. Out there is illusion, in here is real.

The work is in here. The work is finding the form, the solid, the shape, and letting it go. Whatever has structure within, is being reflected without. Work within, observe and release it, and you transform within and without.

Within is closer to home than what's out there, but it is still not home. Beyond the walls of inner structure and obstruction, beyond the real, is the truth.

Here, there is nothing. No self, no structure, only space. No sound or voice, only silence. No movement, stillness.

Still, silent space hums with eternal sound, vibrates with infinite energy, and brims with fullness. It is home.

Be ready every moment to see and surrender what keeps you from yourself.

Be ready for the discovery of who you are.

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