Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Don't seek, make yourself available.

Whatever is ideal will come to you, be ready. Be aware, present, able to respond.

The work is on yourself. All wonders pour into you when you are available.

When you seek, you leave the moment in search of some fantasy. It may be a beautiful dream, a profound vision, but pushing towards anything pits you against the way things are.

Rather bring yourself back into harmony with what is, and look. Everything is arriving, no seeking is required.

Be available, that's all. Take care of the area beneath your feet, the space you take up, and don't interfere with anything else. Attend to your consciousness, no more, no less.

Concern yourself only with your domain and get that right. This includes becoming available. The effect is readiness, optimal occurrence, and total experience.

Your conception was not a goal you set. It happened. Your birth was not your achievement, attributable to your ego, it came to pass.

Your life does not belong to you, it is an act of grace. So stay graceful and flow with it.

Some self-styled ambition can never surpass surrender. The part can never outsmart the whole. Be the whole. Be available to all of it.

The more available you are, the more everything arrives.

Sunday, 2 October 2011


Being real is sexy. People love it.

It's an art, of course, and not as rough as it may sound. Being direct means being discerning as an extension of being real. It speaks to the hidden urge in others for authenticity, and it seduces them with its artfulness, too.

People long for intelligent communion. When you express yourself sincerely, you speak to them - and for them - by putting purity onto the table. This feeds the flow of self-insight and articulation.

It's a turn-on for everyone locked in a world of appropriateness. They feel the liberty of release and the thrill of openness. Tension turns to tingling.

There may be some ambivalence on the threshold, some turbulence during transition, but steadiness is assured. Nature will prevail in its wild and windy wisdom, a thunderstorm of sensuality, a paradox of perfection, at once spiritual and physical.

People are afraid and aroused, beguiled by the bridge, succumbing to their need for seduction, stepping out of their shadow ...

Dwelling on their dew point, they are drawn into the dance of transformation. They want nothing more than to surrender to spiritual precipitation.

Being real is an irresistible invitation to allow the evaporation of their sense of separation.

Alchemy is in the air.